retimer 3 now available on Kickstarter

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Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a Bright Light Intervention in Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Survivors – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Aarhus University (Denmark) – Fox, R., Baik, S., McGinty, H., Garcia, S., Reid, K., & Bovbjerg, K., (2020)


Objective Two phase pilot study to assess the feasibility and efficacy of Bright Light therapy on sleep in ovarian and endometrial cancer survivors using Re-Timer devices. Method In phase I, focus groups were conducted with 12 survivors and 9 gynecologic oncology clinicians to evaluate and gather feedback about the proposed study. In phase II, a […]

A placebo-controlled pilot study of a wearable morning bright light treatment for probable PTSD -University of California, Rush University Medical Center, Montclair State University, University of Michigan – Zalta, A., Bravo, K., Valdespino-Hayden, Z., Pollack, M. & Burgess, H. (2019)


Method Pilot study with 15 participants using bright light therapy as a treatment for PTSD given the established effect on mood and sleep. Conclusion  Re-Timer Glasses were well tolerated and perceived benefit was high.  A wearable morning light treatment was acceptable and feasible for patients with probable PTSD.  A larger trial is warranted to establish […]

Successful Sleep Extension and Phase Advance in Adolescents in Response to a Pilot Sleep/Circadian Manipulation – Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh; University of Pittsburgh, USA. – Hasler, B., Buysse, D., Ngari, W. & Franzen, P. (2019)


Objective Pilot study to examine the effects of a two-week sleep/circadian manipulation in adolescents by using Re-Timer light goggles for 30 minutes each morning. Method Studied 10 healthy 13–15-year-olds (6 females) categorized as having late/short sleep based on published norms. During baseline and manipulation phases, participants monitored sleep via diaries and actigraphy for ~14 days, […]

An Open Label Pilot Study of a Home Wearable Light Therapy Device for Post-Partum Depression – University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry, Rush University Medical Center – Swanson, L.M., Burgess, H.J., Zollars, J., Arnedt, J.T. (2018)


Objective Establish the feasibility and preliminary effects of home-wearable light therapy for postpartum depression, and its effects on circadian measures. Eight women within 6 months postpartum were prescribed 60 minutes of daily morning light therapy for 5 weeks. Method Potential participants were recruited from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan and the […]

Daily morning light therapy is associated with an increase in choroidal thickness in healthy young adults. – School of Optometry and Vision Science, Queensland University of Technology. – Read, S. A., Pieterse, E. C., Alonso-Caneiro, D., Bormann, R., Hong, S., Lo, C. H., Richer, R., Syed, A., & Tran, L. (2018).


Objective This study aimed to examine the influence of morning bright light therapy upon choroidal thickness in healthy young adults. Studies have demonstrated that choroidal thinning accompanies the development and progression of myopia (Read, S., Fuss, J., Vincent, S., Collins, M., & Alonso‐Caneiro, D. (2018). Choroidal changes in human myopia: insights from optical coherence tomography […]

Effect of bright light therapy on delayed sleep/wake cycle and reaction time of athletes participating in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games – Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil – Rosa, J.P., Silva, A. Rodrigues, F., et al., (2018)


Method The effect of using an artificial bright light on the entrainment of the sleep/wake cycle as well as the reaction times of athletes before the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.  A total of 22 athletes from the Brazilian Olympic Swimming Team were evaluated, with the aim of preparing them to compete at a time when […]

Reducing the impact of time zone changes on disturbed sleep and game performance – University of Tasmania, Victorian Institute of Sport and Victoria University.- Whelan, G., Kitic, C., Karageorgiou, J., Bahnisch, J., Pitchford, N., & Fell, J. (2016)


Objective This study aimed to re-adjust the body clock prior to a westward time zone change to maintain physical and cognitive performance of athletes (hockey players). Conclusion The use of a pre-flight adjustment schedule with bright light therapy can assist in maintaining jump performance and skill execution upon arrival in the new time zone; whereas, […]

Bright Light Therapy To Reduce Fatigue and Improve Sleep Quality in Lung Cancer Survivors – University at Buffalo, State University of New York – Weiss,C., Dickerson,S., Dubocovich,M.L., Dean,G.E.


Objective Lung cancer survivors (LCS) have the worse sleep quality among cancer survivors. A randomized control trial design was used to explore the effects of morning bright light therapy on fatigue, sleep quality and CAR (Circadian Activity Rhythms) in LCS. Method An RCT design was used to explore the effects of morning BLT on fatigue, […]

Olsen B, Szkibik N & Chau A, ‘Green light is effective in advancing the timing of sleep onset and increasing duration of sleep’, 2013 August


Note: This study was a non-clinical consumer trial and has not been published in a scientific journal or peer-reviewed. Objective We investigated the ability of green light to advance sleep onset to an earlier time and increase sleep duration. The 24 participants were asked to nominate their current sub-optimal sleep–wake times and their preferred earlier […]

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