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Sleep struggles of the Millennials

Sleep Struggle

Highlights Millennials spend an astonishing amount of time glued to screens, from smartphones to laptops, screen-induced sleep disruption and eye strain are rampantly on the rise. The digital age has ushered in unparalleled convenience, but it has also fostered a culture of relentless distraction. Juggling work responsibilities, social commitments, and digital engagement can lead to […]

Unveiling the Sleep-Obesity Connection

Sleep Obesity

Highlights Modern-age living marked by sedentary lifestyles and easily accessible processed foods, the global obesity epidemic continues to rise. While factors such as diet and physical activity are commonly associated with weight gain, emerging research has highlighted a crucial, yet often overlooked contributor: sleep. What is the sleep-obesity connection? Sleep and obesity are deeply intertwined, […]

Have you been affected by jet lag?

Jet Lag

Highlights We all know that jet-setting around the globe is super exciting, right?It’s all about discovering new places, savoring exotic cuisines, and making memories.But have you ever felt like your body is still catching up with you while you’re out there chasing the world? Jet lag is a sneaky side effect of crossing different time […]

Crack the sleep code

Crack blog

Highlights What are poor sleep habits? We’ve all been there at some point – tossing and turning, counting endless sheep, or staring at the ceiling in frustration while sleep evades. Poor sleep is an all-too-common problem that can leave us feeling groggy, irritable, and drained the next day. Let us take a closer look at […]

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